Saturday, 2 March 2013

Where am I?

So my posts here are somewhat haphazard... I'd love to post more, to be doing more worthy of posting... To be out there in the world... Experiencing... And then sharing all of that with you... Because what we love most about blogs is seeing the world through someone else's eyes... Well, I do.

But the reality of my world, for the past five (well nearly) years has resembled this...

And that's not all of them for this semester!

I am nearly there... 8.5 months to go... But in balancing my life between work and those books, there is little time for anything creative... Truthfully, there is little energy.  The semester has only just started again, but in a few weeks the grind will be in full force.

Then I become so exhausted my bones constantly ache, I dream of sleeping while I am awake, I cant keep food down, and alcohol becomes a food group...

But I love it. The law I mean. Its a beautiful thing. It is humanity, good and bad.  When Newton spoke about standing on the shoulders of giants, I know he was talking about scientists (my second love), but the same could be said for law.  All our laws have come from decisions that were made before... Even now at law school, we learn that the grounds for some laws that exist today, remain unchanged from Roman law and early early English law. 

We are all here because of what has come before... And who has come before... It is constantly changing, learning and evolving... As we all do.  It is a part of us. We create it. It is who we are...

But it's a damn hard slog to get that certificate to stick on the wall... And sometimes it gets me down, because it is such a sacrifice... Had I known how isolating this would be, I probably wouldn't have taken this path... Or maybe I would have... 

I do have a solid few who are my shining light... My family send me these this week...

This is just a tiny sample of what was a massive bunch of tropical flowers

And I do have some wonderful friends who are very supportive, and understanding of my often absences from their lives...

Only for a little while longer...

And then I shall be back, and active, and interesting, and adventurous...

But until November, when you wonder where I am... I will be, if not posting, reading every one of those fracking books!

See you on the other side (if not before)!


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