Monday, 28 January 2013

Cities of Rivers

So I started this post last night... Like this...

With no power,  pouring rain and howling wind outside... The cyclone wasn't technically a cyclone anymore, but it surely did behave like one.

I had to give up because I couldn't upload as the internet was as slow as dial up, and my battery was getting low...

Yesterday looked like this...

It has rained and rained 

And rained and rained

And rained and rained

The weather system is still in force, but it has travelled further south now.

But it has left a mess...

And the river is starting to rise, dragging and dumping debris as it goes.

They say the water height won't go as high as it did two years ago.  Then, it gave us no warning, and came down in roaring walls. Down the main streets of towns in the middle of the day. Many people died. 

We have lost some lives. Mostly, sadly, from people thinking they can cross flooded rivers. The water is still rising, so we may still lose more souls.

In a town further north, where the cyclone hit in full force, the water is rising higher than ever in history.  The river there has created islands of houses and is threatening to tear them from their footings and send them and everything in them, tumbling down stream. The army is using a helicopter to pull everyone out before it is too late. 

 For what happens tonight and tomorrow, we all hold our breath.

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