Monday, 15 October 2012

Wandering Dew

Saturday morning I woke up to a cat looking like this...

The first time it happened, I completely freaked out and raced him to the vet, thinking the baby kitten has scratched him... Thankfully, she hadn't, because that can be a world of bad (think infection causing blindness)... He's allergic to a weed called Wandering Dew... And really, as he only gets this, this one time of year, so I think it must be flowering or seeding or whatever weeds are doing right now...

But it makes for one unhappy Mosey.


Ever read the email titled "How To Give a Cat a Pill"? 

Bathing a cat's eye with warm salty water, is not a job for one. The towel does give me a fighting chance though. And to be honest he is pretty tolerant, I think it must feel a bit better after. 

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Miss Gardenia

Over the past few days Miss Gardenia, whom I have had in a pot for the past 12 months, has finally finally started to flower! Two so far, but both of the flowers were already browning when i saw them, which made me think they must open at night... Maybe? In any case, there are a lot of flower buds all over the little Miss, that look like they are at the 'very close to opening' stage...

So this morning I saw a bud that looked close, and made a mental note to check on it over the next couple of days... 

 I half expect this one to be open in the morning!

Only a few hours later when i was back outside, i saw this...

So quick!

I've popped out every couple of hours to see how she is going...

And she smells so pretty!

Cudos to my camera here... These last few photo's were taken after sundown, with just the porch light in the background. I had to override the flash as it washed everything out.

And there she is! My little girl is all grown up!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Red and green must never be seen

I just spent some time with a memory... Completely out of the blue... But it was nice to be paid a visit.

Just under 15 years ago we lost a childhood friend. It was expected, and we said goodbye and all the things that we needed to say...

But it wasn't fair... And we all carry part of her with us always.

I now live in the city she first chose to be her home. So far away from the home of our childhood.

And just now I was washing the dishes, and Pandora played her favourite song, and all of a sudden i could hear her big belly laugh and her huge smile was right there... And i was back, at age five wearing her red bikini with the fluffy worm on the front that I secretly coveted, playing under the sprinkler... And then as adults, three sheets to the wind, walking to the next pub, laughing so hard as someone carried her leg and someone piggy-backed her when the booze / leg combination got too much. 

Still makes me smile. Thanks for the memories... Still miss you girl. xx